DSP Tutorials
Our dspGuru YouTube channel provides tutorial videos on a variety of DSP topics, from beginner to advanced.
Recent Videos
- FIR Filter Coefficient Quantization
- Moving Average Filters in DSP
- Brick Wall FIR Filters
- The Parks-McClellan Method for FIR Filter Design
- Linear Phase and Minimum Phase FIR Filters
- How to Make FIR Filter Design Trade-Offs
Some Disassembly Required
Our Some Disassembly Required YouTube Channel features videos on non-DSP subjects of interest to engineers and electronic hobbyists. Its videos center on discovering how salvaged electronic, electrical, and mechanical things work, figuring out how to fix them, and coming up with fun and useful things to make out of them.
Recent Videos
- Discovering an iRobot Braava 380
- An Isolation Transformer Built from Power Supplies
- Reverse-Engineering a Paper Shredder
- Inside a VERY Thrifty Speaker