You can search the comp.dsp archives via Google’s “Group” search features. Google provides two search interfaces: a basic search and an advanced search.
- The basic search is available at
- The advanced search is much more…well…advanced. It has lots of useful options. Foremost of these is that you can limit your search to just comp.dsp.
Search Tips:
- You might want to memorize the Google’s Usenet search URL. Here’s the trick: just put “groups” in front of “” instead of “www”.
- If you want, you can enter an advanced search string into the basic search page if you know the secret code. Basically, quotation marks, “+”, and “-” work as you would expect. Also, you can specify a newsgroup using “group:”, e.g. “group:comp.dsp”.
- If you use the “group:” syntax, you can even just enter your Usenet search into Google’s normal web search. (It looks like the folks at Google have cleverly combined the web and Usenet into one giant pool of blather. 😉