Author: John Deller, Dale Grover
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (1998)
Binding: Paperback, 544 pages
dspGuru Review

Although it features the now-dated Motorola 68HC16 microcontroller, the true value of this book lies in its accessible and intuitive introduction to a wide variety of general DSP subjects. Like the Lyons and Smith books, this book deemphasizes math, instead relying on common-sense explanations and illustrative figures. The tone is “engineer-to-engineer”–as if the reader is being taught by a friendly, experienced (and often funny!) mentor. This book treats a broad variety of DSP subjects, so some necessarily get covered only briefly. But beginners will appreciate its conciseness, and advanced DSP’ers will appreciate its breadth; both will find this book worth adding to their library.